Ski resorts in Sweden can boast not only of its infrastructure, hotels and ability to organize winter holidays. Skiing in Sweden also means meeting with wildlife. And sometimes you should not touch it. Young skiers, who decided to try off-piste skiing at Funäsdalen resort, have already affirmed this idea.
12-year-old Olle Frisk and his four friends decided to test their skills on the virgin snow and try off-piste skiing. While descending down the slope, the teenager unexpectedly fell into the den, where a bear was sleeping. Frightened animal attacked the boy, but he managed to escape. He was taken to the hospital in Östersund, where the child was provided with necessary medical care. Currently, the state of the young skier is stable, according to the Swedish edition The Local.
According to Olle Frisk, being in a den with a furious beast, he first tried to defend himself, but soon realized that he can do nothing, but to expect quick death. "I prepared to die" - quoted Frisk the Swedish press. However, as it turned out, the sudden cessation of resistance saved the boy's life. Bear loosened the grip and he was able to escape. His friends, scared away the animal, and it fled into the woods.
However it is not the end of the story. Bear, which ran into the woods, leaved a few bear cubs in the den. Without mother's milk they could die. Therefore, they were taken to the nearby natural park Orsa. The authorities have decided not to kill the bear, because according to their data, the animal is now far from the tourist routes.
To date, Funäsdalen ski resort is the third largest region for winter holidays in Sweden. It also houses one of the oldest mountain tourist regions of Sweden, which serves tourists since 1882.
Ilya Kalachev
Photo: fron the National archive of Canada
Date: 08/04/2011
Dom Bosco
The three cubs were not placed in Orsa animal park, they were killed by the police. Olle said he was sad about this.