Unfortunately, skiing is not always a fun. Sometimes, it can be even dangerous. The accident that happened in Scotland the other day could end up with the death… However, the things turned out the other way.
Three schoolchildren came to Les Duex Alpes, France from Scotland to take up a ski course. At one the lessons, their ski instructor was doing jump and suddenly fell. He lost his consciousness. The student saw his fall and hurried up to him. They did not leave him in trouble. They were warming him and protecting from other skiers until the rescue team arrived.
The ski instructor from France injured his collar bone and hip. Besides, he broke some of his teeth in this fall. However, everything ended much better than it could. The boys from Scotland were praised for being so brave and able to give the first aid. They were not lost and did not leave their ski instructor in trouble.
Date: 24/01/2008
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